Friday, November 02, 2007

Where's the Kitty?

Got the camera, got the directions for downloading photos onto computer, got the photo before the kitten was an eighteen-year-old, toothless and drooling cat. This is a particularly good photo, because it shows not only the hidden Kitty (I must say, Francis blends in with quite a lot around here. You should see him disappear on the hardwood floors), but also the hand-made quilt we bought at the library auction the first week we were living here.

This was the same library auction where I was heard to declare before we went, "We are not buying anything. No new things come into this house until we're done unpacking and know what we need." You may have spotted us later that evening with a rug, an office chair, and this quilt. But, you know, it was all for a good cause: we were supporting the library. Besides, it was really unfair for them to have a patchwork quilt when I'm a complete sucker for patchwork, and we were the only people not likely to have one already, this seemingly being the quilting capital of the world.

Answers to your questions:

Why, yes, of course it's his bed. Bob and I have taken to squeezing into old-towel-lined boxes on the floor every night.

The bed is unmade, because we just couldn't disturb him, not, of course, because the bed quite often goes unmade in our house.


litlove said...

Too cute!! What an adorable kitten - and a lovely quilt!

Rebecca H. said...

Well, I really don't get the point of making beds -- make them in the morning so you can mess them up again in the evening?? Anyway, cute kitten! And of course you needed the quilt -- you definitely made the right decision!

Anonymous said...

Lucky you to be living in the land of quilts! It's an especially cozy looking one And what a kitty -- now you can take and post more photos, which is always a good thing, don't you think?

Rebecca said...

V cute kitten + lovely quilt. And extra congratulations on getting a photo up.

Anonymous said...

I see someone who knows he is in charge! Orange kittens are so cool.

Anonymous said...

A cat on the bed?! Never has any member of our family had experience with such a thing!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful quilt. I love patchwork quilts too. I have one my Great Grandma made me when I was a kid that has pieces of fabric from my mom used to make me clothes. It is a treasure. And cute kitty! I love him squinting up from the quilt :)

Emily Barton said...

Litlove, yes, he's quite adorable, even when he's digging his claws into my legs.

Dorr, my sentiments exactly. And it isn't as if people are hanging out in the bedroom all day.

Bloglily, yes, lucky me. And I'm pretty sure I spot more photos are on the horizon...

Becky, thanks. It was easier than I thought it would be.

Hobs, all the orange cats I've known in my life have been real characters and extremely affectionate. Francis, so far, is living up to that.

Linser, I can just picture everyone in the family's incredulous faces at the thought.

Stef, oh how wonderful to have a quilt actually made by a family member with pieces of fabric that have memories attached. My mother made a quilt like that when we were children, but sadly, it eventually wore out (probably due to things like cats lying around on it).

Froshty said...

Enjoy this time when he's mostly interested in the bed. Soon, he'll be a bit older and will most likely jump happily into the role of Unpaid Office Assistant, ensuring that all your careful notes to an author are sent to blogspot and Google and that your latest blog entry has been sent to your doctor. On the other hand, you'll never have to worry about those dangerous computer cords killing you, because he'll have destroyed them for you.