Thursday, June 03, 2010

A Brilliant Observation

If you are new to my blog, you can skip this post. If you have been reading my blog for some time, then my guess is that you have certain views of life that will guarantee your appreciation of this absolutely brilliant work of art, which a friend of mine was kind enough to link to on her Facebook wall, so I wouldn't miss it. I'm doing you the same favor, in case you haven't seen it yet. You must go take a look at it and tell me if you don't nearly wet your pants laughing like I did. That is, unless you are a twenty-something, in which case you must tell me whether or not it made you laugh out loud (when you get to be my age, that's pretty much synonymous with nearly wetting your pants laughing). While you're at it, you can also tell me whether or not you are now convinced someone's been spying on you all your life. Enjoy!


ZoesMom said...

That is just awesome! So funny and so damn true. Love it, love it, love it! (Oh, and I have so been there.)

Stefanie said...

That was hysterical! My pants are sorta damp now, please excuse me while I go change them :D

litlove said...

This is PRICELESS! I think someone's been rigging my house with CCTV again, though...

Emily Barton said...

ZM, yes, I have so been there, too.

Stef, so glad you liked it.

Litlove, and rigging mine, too.