Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I mean seriously?! Maybe I ought to be a shoe designer when I grow up since, quite obviously, the world seems to be full of designers who haven't a clue what they're doing. I'd fit right in.


raych said...

The latter two probably help shape up your ass while you walk, or something. That business is all the rage.

bloglily said...

Having just come from reading litlove and stefanie on modernist art, it occurred to me that these are not actually shoes, but shoe-representations, a sort of deconstruction of the shoe. Okay, doesn't work. The only way you could wear some of those shoes would be if you had litter-bearers to cart you around.

Carrie K said...

You don't like platform flip flops?

Stefanie said...

There should be something in the Geneva Convention about the illegality of torture by shoes.

ZoesMom said...

Have to agree -- those are all pretty atrocious. We are not in a good shoe summer. Just as well for my budget, I guess. Hope that platform stuff goes away now.

Courtney said...

one area where we differ...I love them. I heart them - I heart them all. People at work this week (first week back) are all "you are wearing your heels?" and I am all "hell, yeah."

Emily Barton said...

Raych, oh yes, let's pretend we can actually get toned by wearing a certain pair of shoes.

Bloglily, oh, but I just love that idea of deconstruction of the shoe!

Carrie, and never the twain shall meet. (Actually, that's not quite true. I have seen some platform flip flops that I like, but they tend to be the sort of fun things you'd wear at the beach.)

Stef, oh, I could be so easily tortured!

ZM, and the 500 extra-thick straps can't go away fast enough, either.

Court, well, finally, we find a difference between the two of us. Isn't it refreshing!