Sunday, March 08, 2009


Proof that I suck at Wii (take a look at Bob’s expression as well as the very, very concerned faces of the kids who are watching). Also proof that Bob and I should not adorn ourselves with glowing necklaces.

Proof that even after thirteen years of marriage, a husband might have a few secrets from his wife. He looks fetching in that hat, doesn’t he?

Proof that I am, indeed, married to a minister. Also proof that he looks awfully good in that robe and stole, doesn’t he? Probably better than in the hat.

Proof that Francis is an absolutely adorable cat. Also proof that we live in a house with gorgeous floors and banisters that need dusting.

Proof that Maine is one of the most beautiful places on earth. Also proof that all I need do is look at pictures, and I long to be there.


Rebecca H. said...

That picture of Bob in the hat is awesome, I have to say!

Watson Woodworth said...

I do have me a weakness for an orange tabby.

Anonymous said...

The two pictures of Bob in and out of work are just hilarious! What price could you extort from him not to publish them in the next church magazine...?

ZoesMom said...

I was already a believer in some of these and others have now been well proven.

Francis looks so soft like you could just pet and pet for hours. So cute!

Anonymous said...

What a fun pictures! I think Bob should have worn the hat while delivering the sermon ;)

Anonymous said...

Great pics - that Wii one tells an interesting story from the expressions. And that one with Bob in the hat is just asking for a speech bubble!

knitseashore said...

Thanks for sharing these pictures! It's neat to see Bob at work and at play (including dress up!). And I love the photo of Frankie too. A blog can never have too many cat photos!

Emily Barton said...

Dorr, you would have loved to see him "strutting his stuff," as our young friend who is a model was teaching him to do.

Nigel, what is it about orange tabbies? They're just so sweet and affectionate.

Litlove, believe it or not, that one of him in the hat is actually up on the church's web site.

ZM, not only is Francis great for petting, but once you start he won't let you stop!

Stef, maybe we could attract a different sort of clientèle to the church if Bob wears the hat while in the pulpit.

Ms. Knits, come down and see him in person at work and play (although you probably won't see him dress up!).

Pete, hmmm...maybe I should have had a contest for writing the contents of the speech bubble.

Anonymous said...

You can always grow old but you don't have to grow up. Keep having fun!!

Susan said...

Proof that you do indeed take gorgeous photos and have an incredible sense of humour, and I need to find a wii game to try!!! lol and Bob looks pretty good in both kinds of gowns! (sorry, I couldn't resist...)