Monday, October 23, 2006

Five Things You May Not Know About Me

Thanks to Charlotte for giving me a topic for my post today.

1. I was singled out in seventh grade to take the written spelling test for qualification for the state (and ultimately national) spelling bee. I purposely failed the test, because I was petrified by the notion of getting up in front of an audience to spell. I’ve been a horrible speller ever since. I can now speak in front of crowds, but I still hate doing so. And I have forever wondered how many other kids purposely fail such things for whatever reasons, leading adults to think they can’t do something they absolutely can.

2. I believe in God, because my rational mind encounters too much unexplained mystery in this world. I call myself a Christian (never a “good Christian”), because I believe if I truly could ever learn to live life as exemplified by Jesus, with love, justice, and a lack of interest in material things at the core of my being, I’d find real inner peace. And I live in a world in which I am almost always reluctant to admit to these things.

3. I don’t believe for one minute “blonds have more fun.” I was born with copper red hair that turned blond when I was around five years old, and I’m convinced those years I spent as a redhead were some of the most fun years of my life.

4. I love nonhuman animals but somehow can’t bring myself to become a vegetarian. I don’t, however, eat a lot of meat, and when I buy it, I don’t buy anything that’s been factory farmed. I don’t buy dairy products that have been factory farmed, either. And I’m a bit jealous of those who are willing and energetic enough to have committed themselves to being vegetarians, most especially the vegans I know.

5. I’m very afraid of heights, but only when the not falling part is left up to me. So, for instance, I don’t mind at all going to the top of the Empire State Building in an elevator, or being in an airplane. However, put me five rungs up on a ladder, or on a tree branch, or on a cliff with no railing, and I’m petrified.


Anonymous said...

You're right -- well, I might have guessed the animal part, but not the rest. Great list.

Rebecca H. said...

I like this meme! About the purposely failing -- that's very interesting and I must think about it when it comes to my own students who don't do their work. Self-confidence is so important when it comes to education.

Anonymous said...

I liked your list, and I sympathise strongly with number 5. I have crippling vertigo. I probably wouldn't even be able to make it to the top of the Empire State building and have to do mind over matter on a plane. Some days I'm even afraid to go out on our balcony (one storey up...) It is very, very annoying because it's so illogical. I wish I could beat this fear.

Anonymous said...

these are fascinating answers. And I'm right there with you on the heights thing - I refused to climb up the leaning tower of pisa in italy because of my fear!

The Traveller said...

Strange you should say about the height thing - I have never had a problem with heights until I got up on the Great Wall of China with no railings on either side and some very high sheer drops, and discovered I was utterly terrified. But top of the Eiffel Tower or flying in a small plane? No worries!

Emily Barton said...

Glad everyone found this interesting. I still think it was rather boring compared to others' lists.

My fellow fear-of-height sufferers, I've decided fear of heights is a very difficult one to conquer. I've managed to conquer many others (including public speaking), even snakes, but I'm reduced to tears over heights. I've just decided I can have one fear that will never be conquered, and this one is it.

And stay tuned, everyone, one of these days I plan to do a whole post on fears.

Anonymous said...

Hi Emily. Just wanted to say thanks for taking part and that your "Five Things" post is now listed here

litlove said...

Ah my computer has been hiding your site from me again - you've not had such a quiet week as I thought! I love this list and am one hundred per cent with you as far as heights goes. My mother's worse - she can barely stand on a kerb.

Emily Barton said...

Sharon, thanks for the link, and I'm going to pursue writing about each of these things further.

Litlove, ahhh, and I (with my editor's cap on) just thought you were way too busy working on the book to be reading and commenting on my blog.