Sunday, November 09, 2008

A Short Sunday Post

Due to technical difficulties with the ancient laptop that has my ghost story "Irrational Thoughts" along with my overall laziness that is keeping me from wanting to type it out tonight (especially after having typed out that long piece on cockroaches. You'd be exhausted too if you'd spent that much time thinking and typing about cockroaches. However, you'd probably be serene and rested if they'd been palmetto bugs), I'm copping out on my automatic Sunday continued ghost story post today. However, I'm giving you something far more important in its stead. I saw this a while back on Noble Savage's blog and decided in light of what happened in CA this past week, it's a good time to post it.

Copy this sentence into your blog if you’re in a heterosexual marriage, and you don’t want it “protected” by those who think that gay marriage hurts it somehow.

Please do the same if you are likewise. And let's hope that sometime in our lifetimes, ALL Americans have equal rights. Meanwhile, I'll get back to the ghost story soon.


Anonymous said...

Too bad about no ghost story today. I can't believe prop 8 passed. Even my mother voted against it and she isn't the most socially liberal person, she voted for McCain. I hope they manage to somehow get it overturned.

Anonymous said...

Emily, off topic here, but did neither of my last comments come through? I left comments about cockroaches and blog love but I can't see them up at your site - which makes me worried that all the comments I wrote yesterday on people's blogs have somehow disappeared into the ether....

Emily Barton said...

Stef, I can't believe it passed either. I won't say there's NO hope if even CA passes something like that, but I will say it's a a set back.

Litlove, they arrived in fine Litlove fashion. I just wasn't online to accept them (I have comments moderated).

Susan said...

thank you, Emily, for mentioning this one. Talk about a step ridiculous the Prop is. Shame on Arnie for letting it even make it on the ballot!
At least up here in Canada it's still legal, though I think our Conservative party, if they had gotten a majority in the recent election, might have suddenly placed it on the burner again - on Friday at 5 pm the Prime Minister cancelled the National Portrait Gallery. We must be the only industrialized country in the world that has a PM and party that hates the arts so much! Gah!

Emily Barton said...

Susan, yes, definitely a step backwards. And despite the fact you have a PM and party that hates the arts so much, you are still the country where many, many of us would have fled had things gone differently a week ago.